The Director General of NAPTIP Dr. Fatima Waziri-Azi on 13th January, 2023, received a team from FIIAPP headed by the new team lead Mr. Federico Milan.
FIIAPP is a Spanish, Development Partner that has continued to support the Government of Nigeria in countering human trafficking and irregular migration through its project, Action Against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants (ATIPSOM).
In his speech, Mr. Milan expressed satisfaction with the ATIPSOM project in Nigeria. According to him, he had worked previously with the head of prosecutors in Spain and was interested in strengthening the seamless relationship between Spain and Nigeria, especially in the area of TIPSOM. He thanked the DG for the opportunity to partner with the Agency in the fight against trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants.
He stated that database strengthening is one of his major areas of focus, especially the shelter and victims’ information that documents a group of victims with their perpetrators. He said a similar system is being used by the EU promising that he will introduce Nigeria into the Risk assessment system of the EU and will be happy to oblige NAPTIP with the required support for maximum impact.
The DG in her response gave a breakdown of NAPTIP’s mandate and operations spread across the country and gave a comprehensive explanation of how the NAPTIP Act works and also the Agency’s strategies in fighting TIP as it relates to current trends.
She mentioned new trends that are being carried out by perpetrators which have led to the Agency expanding its laws through the National Assembly to incorporate current trends, including trafficking in tissues, ovaries, orphanage trafficking, and several other amendments that will strengthen the Act. She acknowledged the continuous support and goodwill enjoyed by the Agency through the partnership with FIIAPP.
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